Offices located in Champaign, Danville, Gibson City, Mahomet, Paxton, Rantoul

Melody Gross

Photo of Melody Gross

Melody Gross

Office:   Danville
Department:   Commercial Lines
Phone:   217-442-6500

Melody began working for C H Smith Insurance Agency July 1972 as a clerical assistant along with servicing all claims needs for their clients.   Through the years she held several positions including management of the agency for 12 years.  For the past 30 years Small Business Commercial Lines has been her expertise.  She is now semi retired working remotely from Texas that is now her home base.  Melody and her husband Don have 4 children, 13 grandchildren, 1 great grandson and one great grandchild on the way.   Besides their family...they enjoy Nascar and Football. 

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