Offices located in Champaign, Danville, Gibson City, Mahomet, Paxton, Rantoul

Andrew Wallace

Photo of Andrew Wallace

Andrew Wallace

Office:   Champaign
Department:   Commercial Lines
Phone:   217-352-7080
Fax:   217-903-3902

Previously in the mortgage industry for 10 years, Andrew Wallace made a move to the insurance business in 2013 specializing in Commercial Lines Property and Casualty. He has spent the past three years being mentored by sales executives that have 40 years of experience in the insurance industry. Andrew comes from a large family all born and raised in Champaign/Urbana. He comes from a long line of Union workers and a majority of his insurance experience has been working in the Construction and Manufacturing industries. He has earned his Commercial Lines Coverage Specialists (CLCS) Designation. He enjoys analyzing exposures and building relationships with current and prospective clients as well as other insurance professionals. He understands that as an agent you are working for your client at all times, from customer service to assisting in expediting claims. In his free time, he enjoys golfing and hanging out with his wife and son.


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