Offices located in Champaign, Danville, Gibson City, Mahomet, Paxton, Rantoul

Abbe Barfield

Photo of Abbe Barfield

Abbe Barfield

Office:   Champaign
Department:   Life/Health Employee Benefits
Partner-IPG Benefits
Phone:   217-352-7080

Abbe Barfield has partnered with Insurance Providers Group's expanded Life/Health-Employee Benefits division.  Abbe has worked in the local and national employee benefits market for the last 15 years.  She desires a relationship focused partnership with clients, tailored to meeting their specific needs with strategies and goals personalized to their employees.  Mentors during her career have inspired her to be not only a student but also a teacher, she continues to be inspired to continue this legacy.  Abbe is a Champaign native, attending Champaign Central High School and the U of I.  She currently resides in Monticello with her husband Daniel J. Barfield, CAP, CFP and children.

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